Saturday, June 27, 2015

Gay Marriage Win/Growing Up Trans - June 2015 Vlog

In celebration of the Supreme Court ruling on legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states today, I do a small, casual talk about gays and a personal story of me growing up as a transgender female. I hope you enjoy it, helps open up your mind a bit, and help out young or still in closet LGBT individuals to further understand themselves. This was just a casual talk done in one take, so I know I have missed a lot of things, but I still hope you like it.

People comes in all shapes and sizes, just because someone is born a bit different or have different than you, doesn't give you the right to deny them their rights and discriminate against them. It is not okay to treat LGBT individuals differently just as it is not okay to treat a person of a certain skin color differently.

Warning: Hateful, rude, anti-LGBT comments will be deleted, and you may be banned from my channel.

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