Saturday, April 29, 2023

Bixby Creek Bridge & Coast Road (Part 2) - Monterey County, CA

On 18 April 2023, my mom and I drove along State Route 1 in Monterey County, CA. We visited Garrapata State Park and Bixby Creek Bridge. I took photos with my cellphones and mirrorless camera. The photos are split into 3 blog posts. I hope you enjoy viewing my photos!

High Resolution Photos: If you want to see high resolution photos of any of the photos you see here, use the following links. If you wish to purchase prints of any of the photos, please contact me here. To see my best photos from State Route 1, use this link. To see my best flower photos from 2019 to 2023, use this link. To see my best sunset, sunrise, and night photography photos from 2019 to 2023, use this link. To see all of my photos from this trip, use this link.

Parts: Cellphone Photos | Olympus Part 1 | Olympus Part 2

These photos were shot on my Olympus mirrorless camera. The photos are from Bixby Creek Bridge and Coast Road in Monterey County, CA. After Garrapata State Park, my mom and I drove towards Bixby Creek Bridge, which was the last stop for the day before we headed home. I also took a short walk on Coast Road (near Bixby Creek Bridge).

Please note Coast Road was closed on the day I went, and I did walk into the closed area. There was a small, but constant flow of sand, small pebbles, and small rocks coming down on parts of the rock face. This is risky, and the road is closed for a reason. If you walk onto the road, please assess the risks yourself before walking into a closed area. You access closed areas at your own risk. You could become trapped under a rockslide or your return path could be blocked off by a rockslide. You could die!

A scenery photo of the Bixby Creek Bridge (part of State Route 1), Coast Road (right), a valley, and the Pacific Ocean. This photo was shot at Bixby Creek Bridge Vista Point on the side of Coast Road in Monterey County, CA.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 22' 31" N 121° 53' 54" W

A black and white process of the photo above.

A scenery photo of the Bixby Creek Bridge (part of State Route 1), Coast Road (right), a valley, and the Pacific Ocean. This photo was shot at Bixby Creek Bridge Vista Point on the side of Coast Road in Monterey County, CA.
Photo shot at the same spot as above.

A scenery photo of the Bixby Creek Bridge (part of State Route 1), Coast Road (right), wild flowers (bottom), a valley, and the Pacific Ocean. This photo was shot on Coast Road in Monterey County, CA.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 22' 30" N 121° 53' 47" W

A scenery photo of the Bixby Creek Bridge (part of State Route 1), Coast Road (right), a valley, and the Pacific Ocean. This photo was shot on Coast Road in Monterey County, CA.
Photo shot at the same spot as above.

A black and white process of the photo above.

A scenery photo of the Bixby Creek Bridge (part of State Route 1), Coast Road (right), a valley, and the Pacific Ocean. This photo was shot on Coast Road in Monterey County, CA.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 22' 30" N 121° 53' 48" W

A black and white process of the photo above.

A scenery photo of the Bixby Creek Bridge (part of State Route 1), Coast Road (right), a valley, and the Pacific Ocean. This photo was shot on Coast Road in Monterey County, CA.
Photo shot at the same spot as above.

Next, are a few photos shot during sunset near the Bixby Creek Bridge on the side of State Route 1.

A sunset scenery photo of the Pacific Ocean, rocks, a hill, and cliffs. The photo was shot near the Bixby Creek Bridge on the side of State Route 1.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 22' 21" N 121° 54' 10" W

An abstract long exposure photo of a beach, waves, rocks, and a cliff. The photo was shot during sunset near the Bixby Creek Bridge on the side of State Route 1.
Photo shot at the same spot as above.

A black and white process of the photo above.

An abstract long exposure photo of a beach, waves, rocks, and a cliff. The photo was shot during sunset near the Bixby Creek Bridge on the side of State Route 1.
Photo shot at the same spot as above.

This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members!Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

Parts: Cellphone Photos | Olympus Part 1 | Olympus Part 2

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Tomales Point Trail (Cellphone Photos) - Point Reyes National Seashore

On 26 April 2023, my mom and I drove to Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County, CA to walk and hike along Tomales Point Trail. We saw a ton of Tule Elk (Cervus canadensis nannodes) and wild flowers on the walk and hike. I took photos with my cellphone and mirrorless camera. The photos are split into 5 blog posts (I took most of the photos on my mirrorless camera). I hope you enjoy viewing my photos!

Travel Tip #1: Weather by the coast could be a lot colder than inland. On this trip, it was 77°F (25°C) at Bear Valley Visitor Center, but at the trail head for Tomales Point, it was 55°F (12.8°C) with heavy fog. The fog drifted in and out on our walk and hike. I'm guessing, when the fog cleared, it was around 63°F (17.2°C). The weather forecast for nearby towns (Dillon Beach, Inverness, Bodega Bay) on this day, called for a high of 66°F (18.9°C). Also I got "rained on" a tiny bit when the fog was extremely dense. I've done this trail twice, and I've gotten "rained on" twice. The first time I got "rained on" was quite heavy.

Travel Tip #2: Tomales Point Trail is an out and back trail, and is approximately 9.5 miles (15.3 km) long. If you explore some of the side trails, you can easily reach over 10 miles (16 km). Bring plenty of water as there are no drinking fountains on the trail. You can probably filter water from the lake, but I wouldn't recommend it. You should also pack lunch. The trail took my mom and I 8 hours to complete, which was 3 hours over my original estimate.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Cellphone Photos

These photos were shot on my cellphone. This blog post is going to be somewhat short, because I shot most of the photos on my Olympus mirrorless camera. All of the photos were shot on Tomales Point Trail.

A scenery photo of fog and a hill covered with Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum).

A close up photo of California Poppies (Eschscholzia californica) and Herb Robert Flowers (Geranium robertianum).

A scenery photo of fog, wild flowers, rocks, waves, and the Pacific Ocean. The photo was shot at Tomales Point.

A scenery photo of cypress trees in fog. The flowers in the photo are Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum).

A scenery photo of cypress trees in fog and Tomales Point Trail. The flowers in the photo are Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum) and Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum).

A photo of Tule Elk (Cervus canadensis nannodes) and fog. The flowers in the photo are Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) and California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica).

A foggy sunset scenery photo of cypress trees, Pierce Point Ranch, and Tomales Point Trail.

A foggy sunset scenery photo of cypress trees, Pierce Point Ranch, and Tomales Point Trail.

This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Cellphone Photos

Monday, April 24, 2023

Deer in Sunol Regional Wilderness (Cellphone Photos) - Sunol, CA

Today, on 24 April 2023, my mom and I went walking and hiking in Sunol Regional Wilderness in Sunol, CA. On the way out of the park, we saw a few black tailed deer. I quickly snapped a few photos with my cellphone. I hope you enjoy viewing the photos.

All the photos in this blog post were shot during sunset on Geary Road.

A photo of two black tailed deer, wild flowers, and forest.

A photo of a black tailed deer, wild flowers, and forest.

A photo of a black tailed deer running, wild flowers, and forest.

A photo of a black tailed deer running, wild flowers, and forest.

This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Monastery Beach & Garrapata SP (Part 1) - Monterey County, CA

On 18 April 2023, my mom and I drove along State Route 1 in Monterey County, CA. We visited Garrapata State Park and Bixby Creek Bridge. I took photos with my cellphones and mirrorless camera. The photos are split into 3 blog posts. I hope you enjoy viewing my photos!

High Resolution Photos: If you want to see high resolution photos of any of the photos you see here, use the following links. If you wish to purchase prints of any of the photos, please contact me here. To see my best photos from State Route 1, use this link. To see my best flower photos from 2019 to 2023, use this link. To see all of my photos from this trip, use this link.

Parts: Cellphone Photos | Olympus Part 1 | Olympus Part 2

These photos were shot on my Olympus mirrorless camera. The photos are from Monastery Beach in Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA and Garrapata State Park in Monterey County, CA.

The first spot we stopped at was Monastery Beach in Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA. We mostly stopped here to eat lunch, take a bathroom break, and I quickly took 2 photos with my Olympus mirrorless camera here.

A scenery photo of Monastery Beach, the Pacific Ocean, Carmel-By-The-Sea, and clouds. The photo was shot at Monastery Beach in Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 31' 22" N 121° 55' 38" W

A scenery photo of Monastery Beach, the Pacific Ocean, Carmel-By-The-Sea, and clouds. The photo was shot at Monastery Beach in Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA.
Photo shot at the same spot as above.

A black and white process of the photo above.

Next, we continued our drive south on State Route 1 towards Garrapata State Park in Monterey County, CA.

A scenery photo of yellow mustard flowers (left), the Pacific Ocean (right), clouds, rocks, mountains, and cliffs. The photo was shot near Gate 2 of Garrapata State Park.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 28' 11" N 121° 55' 59" W
The coordinates of this GPS location is inaccurate because I forgot the phone I was using for geotagging in the car.

Next, my mom and I took a walk and hike on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park in Monterey County, CA.

A scenery photo of the Pacific Ocean (left), clouds, rocks, mountains, and cliffs. The photo was shot on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 27' 25" N 121° 55' 29" W

A long exposure scenery photo of the Pacific Ocean, clouds, rocks, mountains, and cliffs. The photo was shot on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park.
The long exposure (6 seconds) was achieved using an ND filter.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 27' 22" N 121° 55' 32" W

Photography Tip: ND filters cut light to your camera allowing you to achieve long exposures even during daylight hours. Each stop on an ND filter cuts the light by half. Please note cheap ND filters may leave a colour cast on your photos. Generally expensive ND filters are more "neutral" in colour. Please note, the darker an ND filter is, the harder it is for your camera to autofocus (this is more apparent during sunset on a non-full frame camera).

A photo of Yellow Bush Lupine (Lupinus arboreus). In the background (not in focus) are the Pacific Ocean (left), clouds, rocks, cliffs, and mountains. The photo was shot on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 27' 14" N 121° 55' 29" W

A photo of Yellow Bush Lupine (Lupinus arboreus). In the background (not in focus) are the Pacific Ocean, plants, bushes, and rocks. The photo was shot on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park.
Photo shot near the same spot as above.

A scenery photo of the Pacific Ocean, clouds, rocks, mountains, and cliffs. The photo was shot on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 27' 13" N 121° 55' 37" W

A long exposure scenery photo of the Pacific Ocean, clouds, rocks, mountains, and cliffs. The photo was shot on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park. 
The long exposure (5 seconds) was achieved using an ND filter. Unfortunately there was some wind at this spot that vibrated my tripod, so there is slight motion blur on this photo.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 27' 12" N 121° 55' 42" W

A long exposure scenery photo of the Pacific Ocean, clouds, rocks, mountains, and cliffs. The photo was shot on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park.
The long exposure (8 seconds) was achieved using an ND filter.
Photo shot near the same spot as above.

A scenery photo of State Route 1 (left & center), yellow mustard flowers (bottom), the Pacific Ocean (right), clouds, rocks, mountains, and cliffs. The photo was shot on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 27' 03" N 121° 55' 38" W

A scenery photo of the Pacific Ocean, clouds, rocks, mountains, and cliffs. The photo was shot on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park.
Photo shot near the same spot as above.

A long exposure scenery photo of the Pacific Ocean, clouds, rocks, mountains, and cliffs. The photo was shot at Whale Peak on the Somberanes Point Trails in Garrapata State Park.
The long exposure (8 seconds) was achieved using an ND filter.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 36° 27' 07" N 121° 55' 37" W

This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

Parts: Cellphone Photos | Olympus Part 1 | Olympus Part 2

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Flowers Along State Route 1 (Pescadero, CA)

On 5 April 2023, my parents and I drove along State Route 1 in search of flower viewing opportunities. We drove from Santa Cruz to Half Moon Bay (the last of my photos are from Pescadero State Beach). I took photos with my cellphones and mirrorless camera. The photos are split into 2 blog posts. I hope you enjoy viewing my photos!

High Resolution Photos: If you want to see high resolution photos of any of the photos you see here, use the following links. If you wish to purchase prints of any of the photos, please contact me here. To see my best photos from State Route 1 (from Pescadero to Big Sur), use this link. To see my best flower photos from 2019 to 2023, use this link. To see all of my photos from this trip, use this link.

Parts: Cellphone Photos | Olympus Photos

These photos were shot on my Olympus mirrorless camera. The photos are from Gazos Creek State Beach, Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park, and Pescadero State Beach in Pescadero, CA.

A scenery photo of Pigeon Point Lighthouse (center), yellow mustard flowers, the Pacific Ocean, and clouds. The photo was shot at Gazos Creek State Beach.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 10' 00" N 122° 21' 43" W

A scenery photo of seagulls, clouds, the Pacific Ocean, and Gazos Creek State Beach.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 09' 52" N 122° 21' 47" W

A black and white process of the photo above.

A scenery photo of clouds, green hills, trees, the Pacific Ocean (left), Gazos Creek State Beach, and yellow mustard flowers (in the distance).
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 09' 54" N 122° 21' 48" W

A scenery photo of yellow mustard flowers, grass, mountains, clouds, and the Pacific Ocean (right). The photo is from Pigeon Point Bluffs on the side of State Route 1.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 11' 00" N 122° 23' 05" W

A scenery photo of yellow mustard flowers, grass, mountains, and clouds. The photo is from Pigeon Point Bluffs on the side of State Route 1.
Photo shot at the same spot as above.

A scenery photo of Wild Radish Flowers (Raphanus raphanistrum), yellow mustard flowers, grass, mountains, clouds, and the Pacific Ocean (right). The photo is from Pigeon Point Bluffs on the side of State Route 1.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 10' 59" N 122° 23' 06" W

A scenery photo of yellow mustard flowers, Wild Radish Flowers (Raphanus raphanistrum), and clouds. The photo is from Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 11' 04" N 122° 23' 43" W

A scenery photo of yellow mustard flowers, Wild Radish Flowers (Raphanus raphanistrum), and clouds. The photo is from Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park.
Photo shot at the same spot as above.

A scenery photo of Pigeon Point Lighthouse, Sea Figs (Carpobrotus chilensis), yellow mustard flowers (in the distance on the left), a beach (right), the Pacific Ocean (right), high voltage powerlines (left), and clouds. The photo is from Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 11' 00" N 122° 23' 41" W

A black and white process of the photo above.

A scenery photo of yellow mustard flowers, Wild Radish Flowers (Raphanus raphanistrum), and clouds. The photo is from Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 11' 25" N 122° 23' 49" W

A scenery photo of yellow mustard flowers and clouds. The photo is from Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park.
Photo shot near the same spot as above.

A scenery photo of yellow mustard flowers and clouds. The photo is from Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park.
Photo shot near the same spot as above.

A scenery photo of Pigeon Point Lighthouse (center), yellow mustard flowers, Sea Figs (Carpobrotus chilensis), the Pacific Ocean (right), high voltage power lines (right), and clouds. The photo is from Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 11' 30" N 122° 23' 50" W

A black and white process of the photo above.

A scenery photo of Pigeon Point Lighthouse (center), yellow mustard flowers, Sea Figs (Carpobrotus chilensis), the Pacific Ocean (right), high voltage power lines (right), and clouds. The photo is from Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 11' 29" N 122° 23' 49" W

A scenery photo of Pigeon Point Lighthouse (center), yellow mustard flowers, Sea Figs (Carpobrotus chilensis), the Pacific Ocean (right), high voltage power lines (right), and clouds. The photo is from Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park.
Photo shot at the same spot as above.

A black and white process of the photo above.

A sunset scenery photo of Pescadero Marsh, mountains, and clouds. The photo was shot on North Pond Trail (on the bridge) at Pescadero Marsh in Pescadero State Beach.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 16' 08" N 122° 24' 35" W

A black and white process of the photo above.

A sunset scenery photo of a rock with a hole in it, clouds, and the Pacific Ocean. The photo was shot at Pescadero State Beach.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google): 37° 16' 01" N 122° 24' 43" W

A black and white process of the photo above.

This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

Parts: Cellphone Photos | Olympus Photos

Copyright Warning: These photos are some of my best and most popular works of art. Unauthorized usage and reproductions are strictly prohibited. Please contact me here to purchase prints and negotiate photo licenses.