Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Andrew Molera State Park - Big Sur, CA (Part 4)

On 4th of July I decided to take a trip to Monterey, Carmel, and Big Sur, CA. I went to places such as fisherman's Wharf, Garrapata State Park, Andrew Molera State Park, etc... I took many photos there are are here to share with you. About half of the photos were shot along or near SR-1. The photos will be split into several parts. I hope you enjoy viewing these photos!

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To view my best photos from Monterey, Big Sur area for 2014-2015, use this link. To see all of my photos from the Monterey, Big Sur area for 2014-2015, use this link.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 

Photos for today are from Andrew Molera State Park in Big Sur, CA. The photos from this park will be split into 2 parts. This is the second part.

After I was done at the beach, I took a hiking trail up to the highlands. Here is a scenery photo of the ocean from the highland area. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 36 16 56 N 121 51 36 W   

  A black and white process of the photo above. 

Here is a high up scenery photo from the state park. The Big Sur River is to the left and the ocean is to the right. The scenery shots I took in the previous blog post was shot to that small patch of beach to the left of the photo (you could barely see it on the photo here). 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 36 16 53 N 121 51 37 W   

 A black and white process of the photo above.  

 A panorama shot of the view from the headlands. Big Sur River is to the left and the Pacific Ocean is to the right. Photo shot in the same spot as above. 

A scenery shot from the headlands of the Pacific Ocean.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 36 16 51 N 121 51 38 W   

A scenery shot from the headlands. This is a photo of the river mouth for the Big Sur River. You can see the place I was standing for the scenery shots in the previous blog post is left of the center a tiny bit. You can see it clearly on this photo. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 36 16 49 N 121 51 35 W   

  A black and white process of the photo above. 

 On my hike back down from the headlands, I saw a Western Fence Lizard. 

Another few photos of the Western Fence Lizard. It wasn't scared of my camera and I at all.  

A scenery shot from near the walking trail on my walk back to the parking lot. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 36 17 05 N 121 51 23 W   

 A black and white process of the photo above. 

This is all the photos for today and for this series! I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |