Thursday, September 21, 2017

Augustin Bernal Park - Pleasanton, CA (Cellphone Photos)

Yesterday, on September 20th, 2017, I took a hike through Augustin Bernal Park in Pleasanton, CA for exercise. Augustin Bernal Park is a Pleasanton park only open to residents of Pleasanton (although you might get away with it if you live in nearby cities). Great place for hiking and a walk through the forest. I took some cellphone photos while there. A monthly travel vlog will also be coming soon. I did get rained on a little through the hike, and you will see why in the photos below.

There used to be a huge tree in the field by the parking lot. Now it is this. Probably fell down in the San Francisco Bay Area mega storms earlier this year.

Cloudy scenery from the park overlooking Pleasanton. You can see what I mean about rain right?

The hiking trail I took.

Cloudy scenery from the park overlooking Pleasanton.

The hiking trail I took.

Cloudy scenery from the park overlooking Pleasanton. You can see it raining.

Cloudy scenery from the park overlooking Pleasanton.

Cloudy scenery from the park overlooking Pleasanton. You can see it raining on the right.

Cloudy scenery from the park overlooking Pleasanton. The rain got sort of heavy at this point. Not so bad that I couldn't get a photo with my phone. When the rain did get so heavy, I didn't want to risk getting my phone super wet, I stopped taking photos. :)

Cloudy scenery from the park overlooking Pleasanton. You can see it raining on the right.

The clouds starting to clear over Pleasanton, CA.

Cellphone panorama from the park.

The clouds starting to clear over Pleasanton, CA.

Cellphone panorama from the peak in the park.

This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.