Friday, February 12, 2016

Civic Center/UN Plaza/Street Photography - San Francisco, CA (Part 1)

I recently took two trips to San Francisco, CA visiting different places and taking photos. I went to many tourist attraction areas, some lesser known places, and took quite some street photography. I am here to share with you the photos that I took on these trips. The photos I took will be split across 7 blog posts. Day 1 of my trip in San Francisco took place on 1/27/2016, and day 2 of my trip in San Francisco took place on 2/1/2016.

Full Resolution Photos: If you want to see full resolution photos of any of the photos you see here, use the following links. If you wish to purchase prints of any of the photos, please contact me here. To view my best San Francisco, CA photos for 2016, use this link. To see all of my San Francisco photos from this trip, use this link.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Today I have photos Civic Center Plaza, United Nations Plaza, and street photography photos from Market Street and 5th Street. Photos will include buildings  (UN Plaza) and statues around Civic Center Plaza and the UN Plaza, and photos of City Hall. At the end of the blog post, I will also show you photos of my lunch and give you a restaurant recommendation when you are near the Powell Street BART Station area. These photos are from Day 1 shot on 1/27/2016.

Photo of a statue at United Nations Plaza.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 46 47 N 122 24 54 W 

Black and white process of the photo above.

So while at Civic Center and the UN Plaza, I had to find a bathroom to use (after the long BART ride to San Francisco). I couldn't find any public bathrooms outside, but I did remember seeing a library on the map while I was scouting out locations to shoot at the day before. So in the end, I ended up with a photo from the San Francisco Public Library. After using the bathroom, I noticed that the library had really amazing architecture inside. I decided to shoot an abstract photo in the library itself. The photo here is a shot angled upwards at the glass ceiling. 

 Black and white process of the photo above.

A statue on Fulton Street in between the UN Plaza and Civic Center Plaza. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 46 47 N 122 24 58 W 

An abstract photo shot of a tree and the Asian Art Museum from Fulton Street in between the UN Plaza and Civic Center Plaza. I thought this angle looked very nice especially with the clouds in the sky. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 46 47 N 122 24 59 W 

Black and white process of the photo above. 

A photo of the City Hall shot from Civic Center Plaza. This was the main reason I came to Civic Center Plaza. I've passed by City Hall so many times on my drives through San Francisco, and I've always wanted to stop for a photo of it. I am really amazed at the wonderful architecture. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 46 46 N 122 25 02 W 

 Black and white process of the photo above.

Another photo of City Hall shot from the Civic Center Plaza. I thought the column of trees looked pretty cool as a foreground subject in front of City Hall. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 46 46 N 122 25 02 W 

Black and white process of the photo above. 

A photo of the Asian Art Museum shot from Civic Center Plaza. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 46 46 N 122 25 02 W

 Black and white process of the photo above.

Another photo of City Hall shot from Civic Center Plaza. I felt it looked really cool with the clouds in the sky. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 46 45 N 122 25 05 W 

Black and white process of the photo above. 

A street photography shot of a building on Market Street. This was shot near United Nations Plaza. I thought the windows made a great pattern. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 46 51 N 122 24 44 W 

A street photography shot of a building at the intersection of Golden Gate Avenue, Taylor Street, and Market Street. I thought this building looked pretty cool, but the photo (in my opinion) turned out not so good, but I decided to process and post it here anyways. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 46 56 N 122 24 38 W 

A street photography shot of a building on 5th Street. I thought the windows made a great pattern. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 46 59 N 122 24 25 W

A cellphone photo of my lunch at Super Duper Burger (and this begins my restaurant recommendation portion of my blog post). Above is of a cup of organic iced tea, 2 Super Burgers, and a garlic cheese fries. 

So half way through my day worth of photo walking, I decided to get lunch here at Super Duper Burger (783 Mission Street). You might be wondering how did I find this charming little place... The night before, as I was looking on Google Maps for the locations I want to shoot at in San Francisco, I took some time to look for restaurants around at the area where I'd end up around half way through the day. Anyways, I found this little place in the area and I noticed it was Zagat Rated (and it had a pretty good rating) so I decided to make it my stop for lunch. Burgers tend to be a pretty fast meal and full of calories so I figured it would be good enough to keep me going for the rest of the day and it won't take me too long to eat. While my previous statement makes it sound sort of like this is a fast food restaurant, it is not. I took a look at some of the reviews of the place and their menu online, and I feel the price is pretty good, not to mention this place use fresh beef and fresh ingredients. Some of the menu items here are even organic, like their iced tea (as I have mentioned above), and a few of their dairy menu items such as their shakes and ice cream. I also read on their website this place only uses recyclable and compostable products to serve their food and drinks in (the "plastic" cup you see in my photo above is actually made from plants and is compostable). In fact their restaurant advertises that they don't even have a trash bin in the restaurant (only recycle bins and compost bins)!

So now, how was the food? It was very good for the price. While you are not going to be getting McDonald's pricing at a place like this, just remember you are paying for the fresh ingredients (plus doing the planet a favor by supporting an environmentally friend place like this). The burgers are cooked to medium at this restaurant. I feel the burgers are full of flavor, very fresh, savory, juicy, and delicious, but was a bit small which could be related to how I was really hungry by then due to all the walking around and shooting photo. The garlic cheese fries was fantastic! The cheese on the fries was the best cheddar cheese I've had and it was a ton better than the cheddar cheese I get at the supermarket. One thing this place is known for is their homemade pickles. I normally hate pickles that restaurants serve in burgers, but this place's was different. This was the first restaurant I've been to that I actually enjoyed eating their pickles! The best part is you are free to get as many pickles as you want (it is self serve) and I saw a lot of customers grabbing a lot of pickles to take home with them. If you are in the area, I definitely recommend you drop by! 

A cellphone photo of the interior of Super Duper Burger. 

This is all the photos for today! I hope you have enjoyed the photos! Next time I will have photos from Yerba Buena Gardens and street photography from Market Street and Chinatown. Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7