Friday, October 4, 2019

Augustin Bernal Park - Pleasanton, CA (Cellphone Shots)

Today I took a hike through Augustin Bernal Park in Pleasanton, CA and took some cellphone photos during my hike. I hope you enjoy viewing them.

Message From The Photographer: If you have been following me on social media for a little while, you'd know I've been dealing with vision impairment for over a year now. I hope these photos turned out somewhat well. I take these photos half blind as I can't see my phone screen very clearly. I always have someone with me on these hikes to make sure I don't accidentally injure myself.

Scenery photo of the trail.

 Scenery photo of the trail and mountain.

Scenery photo of trees, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

Scenery photo of the trail.

This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.