Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Big Oak Flat Road & Yosemite Falls (Cellphone Photos) - Yosemite National Park

On 17 January 2023, my parents and I took a day trip to Yosemite National Park in California to see snow. We drove along Big Oak Flat Road, and visited Yosemite Valley. The photos are split into 2 blog posts. I hope you enjoy viewing my photos!

Parts: Cellphone Photos | Olympus Photos

These are the photos I took on my cellphone. The photos are from Big Oak Flat Road, State Route 120, and Lower Yosemite Fall trail.

The first thing to greet us are the snow covered trees on the sides of Big Oak Flat Road (State Route 120). 

A snowy scenery photo of snow covered trees, a snowy road, clouds, and forest. The photo is from Big Oak Flat Road (State Route 120).

A snowy scenery photo of snow covered trees, a snowy road, clouds, and forest. The photo is from Big Oak Flat Road (State Route 120).

A snowy scenery photo of snow covered trees, a snowy road, clouds, and forest. The photo is from Big Oak Flat Road (State Route 120).

Next we turned off State Route 120 onto the section of Big Oak Flat Road that leads to Yosemite Valley (your only option for a vehicle during winter). 😂 We were greeted by more snow covered trees. I think this is the most snow on trees I have ever seen in California.

A snowy scenery photo of snow covered trees, a snowy road, and forest. The photo is from Big Oak Flat Road.

A snowy scenery photo of snow covered trees, clouds, and forest. The photo is from Big Oak Flat Road.

Next we arrive in Yosemite Valley. After we parked at the Yosemite Valley Chapel, my dad and I walked through Cook's Meadow, and went straight for Lower Yosemite Fall Trail.

A snowy scenery photo of Yosemite Falls, snow covered trees, a snow covered trail, fog, clouds, and forest. The photo is from Lower Yosemite Fall Trail.

A snowy scenery photo of a creek, snow covered trees, clouds, and forest. The photo is from Lower Yosemite Fall Trail.

A few tourists before us said they saw 3 bears at Lower Yosemite Fall Footbridge, but my dad and I didn't see them. We did see bear tracks in the snow on the trail though.

A photo of bear tracks in the snow. The photo is from Lower Yosemite Fall Trail.

A photo of bear tracks in the snow. The photo is from Lower Yosemite Fall Trail.

This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

Parts: Cellphone Photos | Olympus Photos