Friday, January 14, 2011

A trip to Yellowstone/Grand Teton National Park (Part 23)

Hello! This is the pictures of my trip to Yellowstone/Grand Teton National Park. Not all pictures are of the inside of Yellowstone/Grand Teton National Park. I visited Idaho Falls, Mormon Church in Salt Lake City, and some other places along the way. :) So please enjoy!


Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see (except the a few photos of my friends and I), they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best photos from this trip, use this link. To view all of the photos from my trip, use this link.

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Today I have more pictures from on the way home. Pictures include Idaho Falls, California Trail, and Twin Falls County Centennial Waterfront Park.


Idaho Falls
I didn't take too many pictures because one minute there was no rain, and one minute later it started pouring. After a few minutes, it stopped, but I already left. XD Weird weather... Still, can't really say it's a waterfall. It's man made... What's so special about that?

Forgot where this was.  

This was like the view of the waterfront park from above. Really nice scenery. Very breath-taking. :)

That's a big bridge! 

I think they call it Twin Falls because there are two waterfalls. You see one here. Not sure if I got a picture of the other fall.  

Beautiful park. :D 
FYI: The colors have been adjusted in Photoshop. The park is still a pretty breath-taking view even without the touchups. 

My shadow :O 

There is the park sign.  

I think this is still the same waterfall I showed above.  

More waterfront park pictures.

California Trail
Pictures from a Rest Area.

The next part on Yellowstone and Grand Teton will be the videos. I don't know when I will be able to post them on this blog, because I don't know if Youtube fixed their upload system yet and my DSL has been pretty unreliable for the past few weeks now (very unstable). These photo uploads took me a while longer than usual. I will continue with San Francisco and Las Vegas pictures. I will post the videos once I get the chance.