Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Trip to Las Vegas (Part 1)

So a while back I went to Las Vegas or as some people call it "Sin City". People usually think of Las Vegas as a place to gamble, get married, watch show girls strip, and have fun, but that isn't the only thing about Las Vegas. There are lot's of shows in Las Vegas. All the buildings are like pieces of artwork that famous artists and architects created. It's amazing how people can create such a big and crowded city in the middle of the desert. It's called "Sin City" because of the gambling and the strip clubs there. Guess what? They were passing out naked show girl pictures on the streets. At first I was like, what could that be? I took one and I was like "OH GOD! GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!" LOL Should have listened in my friends warning. XD At least they covered the private parts with hearts and stuff. I had a lot of fun watching the shows... Well the family appropriate shows. LOL Didn't waste too much money either on this trip. HAHA

Some of the pictures maybe a little bit out of order, because I took some pictures with my DSLR and some with my Nokia N97. The naming system is a bit different so Microsoft Windows sorts them out different for me.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos (well most of the photos) you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing here. Central Park photos here.

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Before I get started, I would just like to remind you that I made a Facebook Fan page for this photography blog. You can "Like Us" here. I have also made Google+ and Twitter pages. If you follow or "Like" me on these, you can be updated whenever I post something new! :) Please invite your friends too! I'm trying to get more viewers on here. Anyways, as always, enjoy my photos!

So the first 3 pictures are from Fremont Central Park. I meant to put that in my last post on SF Bay Area, but then I forgot. So I'm putting it in this post. Sorry. XD

Sunset in Fremont Central Park in Fremont, CA
Photo taking tip: Try lowering the exposure. :) It makes the picture look really nice.

Surprisingly, it was raining a lot on the way there. Lot's of rain, even in the desert. Some places were flooded! What was desert turned into giant lakes! It was raining in Las Vegas the whole time I was there.
Photo taking tip: During low light conditions (like this, it's foggy), try using a tripod to take the picture or try to keep the camera steady to keep the photo looking clear!

We stayed at the Monte Carlo hotel. 

CHRISTMAS TREE! :D Apparently, there was some dust and oil (from my hand) on the lens and the flash kind of blurred up the picture...

Fountain inside the mall. I wonder what the theme is...

The hotel I stayed at

Las Vegas during the day time.

The show Mystere's stage. I know they said no photography, but the show didn't start yet, and it's not like I was recording the show. XD Free advertisements for you guys! It was so dark. :\ The pictures pretty much all black. LOL The show was the best one I've seen on this trip.

See how thick the cloud was? It's weird how the desert can get so much rain...
Photo taking tip: Use a tripod on foggy days to keep your picture looking clear!

Another day time picture. 


V Theater

It's amazing how they can make indoors look like it's out doors. :)

Stripper Bar. LOL

M&M Store. :D My favorite part!

So next time I have more Las Vegas pictures... And some on the way home pictures. Don't worry, I will have more Las Vegas pictures, but like I said above, my pictures will be posted a little bit out of order.

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