Sunday, March 20, 2011

Flowers from Quarry Lakes Regional Park (Part 2)

It's spring again and flowers are starting to bloom. :) Today I have 13 pictures of flowers from Quarry Lakes Regional Park located in Fremont/Union City, CA. Please enjoy. They are pretty! I will try to get the names of the flowers, but as you guys know, I am no flower expert. No promises. If I got the wrong name, please point it out in the comments.

As you guys can see I stopped watermarking all my photos. I only do it on some of them from now on. However, this doesn't mean you can steal credit for the pictures. I did that to improve your enjoyment and the viewing of my photos.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best Quarry Lakes photos, use this link. To see my best flower photos use this link. To see all of my 2011 Quarry Lakes photos, use this link.

Parts: 1 | 2

Larkspur (Delphinium

(Not sure)

Cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum)

Paintbrush (Castilleja)

Not sure what flower this is.

The flower looks really pretty! I think it's the best picture I've taken. :) 

California Saxifrage (Saxifraga californica)

Anyways guys. I don't have anymore photos in my library. :( Hopefully I'll be able to take more for next time. :) Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sanyo Eneloop Rechargeable Battery Review

The Sanyo Eneloop Rechargeable Battery is the battery I use in my DSLR's external camera flash. Unlike other batteries, this battery have a very strong long lasting charge. It is great for power all your battery powered electronic devices that uses AA or AAA batteries. The battery charge will stay for at least a year, unlike other rechargeables which will pretty much be useless in a year.

My external camera flash works great with this! It will power many many flashes, which proves it is very strong. I didn't regret my purchase yet! It is great! I can't believe I didn't use this sooner. All those money I wasted on the other brands that doesn't even work. If you need rechargeable batteries, I suggest you go get the Sanyo Eneloop Rechargeable Battery. This is great for DSLR's external flashes, your Wii remotes, flashlights, or other products that drains your batteries quickly! So go get yours now!

Do you like reading about interesting products? Come check out this blog I made!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Flowers from Quarry Lakes Regional Park (Part 1)

It's spring again and flowers are starting to bloom. :) Today I have 13 pictures of flowers from Quarry Lakes Regional Park located in Fremont/Union City, CA. Please enjoy. They are pretty! I will try to get the names of the flowers, but as you guys know, I am no flower expert. No promises. If I got the wrong name, please point it out in the comments.

I will post my other 13 picture next time.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best Quarry Lakes photos, use this link. To see my best flower photos use this link. To see all of my 2011 Quarry Lakes photos, use this link.

Parts: 1 | 2

Field chickweed (Cerastium arvense)

(Did not find a name for this one)

Sorry, very bad with names. Again... Not sure. If you know please tell me. :(

Bermuda buttercup (Oxalis pes-caprae)

Could not find a name. :\ 

What I do with these is that I go onto other people's pages of Bay Area flowers and try to match my picture with theirs' to get a name. I am not very good at doing that. XD So I'm sorry about me not knowing the names. Still, please enjoy my beautiful looking pictures.

I'm predicting another 13 pictures for the next post. I may take more. Not sure yet. If I don't take more, there will be 13 more flower pictures next time. :) 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How to Donate to Money for the Japan Earthquake

Photo credit goes to ABC News.

As a lot of you guys know on March 11, an 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, triggering tsunami waves that affected several countries, including the United States. Hundreds of people have died, not know where their loved ones are, or are homeless and is in desperate need of money, shelter, and clothing. The power of a nuclear power plant's cooling system was knocked and forced all the workers to flee. Please help contribute to this natural disaster by donating to the American Red Cross through Amazon. It is what God want's you to do! :)

!!!Donate via Amazon!!!

How to donate by text (extra charges will incur on your next phone bill):
  • To donate to American Red Cross Relief, text REDCROSS to 90999
  • To donate to Convoy of Hope, a faith-based organization that does community outreach and disaster response, text TSUNAMI to 50555
  • To donate to GlobalGiving, which focuses on “grassroots projects in the developing world,” text JAPAN to 5055
  • To donate to The Salvation Army, text JAPAN or QUAKE to 80888
  • To donate to World Relief Corp., the humanitarian arm of the National Association of Evangelicals, text WAVE to 50555
Donations may incur text-messaging fees or other data charges, depending on carrier. Sprint Nextel is waiving text-messaging fees for customers who send donations to the Red Cross, Convoy of Hope, the Salvation Army and World Relief (but not Global Giving).