Monday, April 30, 2012

Clouds (云)

Due the popularity of the cloud photos I posted a few years back, I have taken more photos of clouds to share with you guys! :) I hope you enjoy viewing them! If you missed my old post, you can find it here. I personally find clouds interesting because they can take on different shapes and sizes and can really help spark your imagination and creativity. They are beautiful works of nature.

The photos are taken on the Arroyo Del Valle Trail (the walking trail behind my house). I will post animal and flower photos I took on this walk next time.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best photos of Pleasanton in 2012, use this link. To see all of my photos from Pleasanton in 2012, use this link.

I thought the trails landscape made a good contrast to the all blue sky. I should have done HDR, but I didn't have a tripod with me.

I think the tree makes a good foreground on the photo. 

I think this photo contrasted the best. Not sure how to touchup these cloud photos in Photoshop, so I didn't. 

I hope you have enjoyed viewing these cloud photos! Please share this blog post with your friends, co-workers, and family members. Please don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook! You can also do this in the Facebook box on the top of the right sidebar.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shilin Official Residence (士林官邸)/Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (中正纪念堂) - Taiwan (台湾) 2011 (Part 8)

Last year, I made my first visit to Taiwan, R.O.C.. I was very busy after I got back and never got a chance to look through them and pick out the photos I'm going to post. I finally took out enough time to finish, so... Here they are! I did not take many photo there as the tropical weather made me very sick. I will be splitting them into a total of 8 parts. I hope you enjoy viewing them!


Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best Taiwan photos, use this link. To see all of my Taiwan photos from this trip, use this link.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 

Sorry about the delay, I have been very busy recently. No, I did not lazy out, I had to do college stuff. So yeah... :/ A lot of working. Very busy. Anyways, I managed to make some time so here is the last post for Taiwan! Today's post will feature the rest of the photos from Shilin Official Residence (士林官邸) and the photos from the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (中正纪念堂).


Before I get started, I would just like to remind you that I made a Facebook Fan page for this photography blog. You can "Like Us" here. This way, you can be updated whenever I post something new! :) Please invite your friends too! I'm trying to get more viewers on here. Anyways, as always, enjoy my photos!

 This is a greenhouse inside the Shilin Official Residence.

Flowers in the greenhouse. 

Turtles in the pond. This is still in the Shilin Official Residence. Usually, these turtles are released into the wild by locals. Not too sure about Taiwan traditions, but in China, some people believe releasing turtles, freeing a life, is considered good karma. I think this is also true in Taiwan as our traditions are not that different. 

Butterflies! I wish I had my new Canon EOS 7D back then. I got way better lens and resolution. LOL  

Pond with lily pads.

Another photo of turtle.  

This was the place the former leader Chiang Kai-Shek lived.  

Another shot of the palace/mansion.  

The garden near the residence.  

A buddhist temple.

The photo of the Taipei Railway Station taken from Caesar Park Hotel.  

This begins the photos from the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall (中正纪念堂). 

I think this was the flag raising ceremony. Not too sure.  

A pond in Taipei somewhere.  

A small stream.

This concludes the photos from my trip to Taiwan! Not too sure what I will be posting next, but it will most likely cloud photos or squirrel photos. I have a lot of new ones! :P I will probably be posting cloud photos as the ones I posted 2 years ago has gotten quite a lot of attention and is actually one of my most popular posts on this blog! You can find the post here. According to my network traffic records, that page gets around 30-50 visitors alone everyday!

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sun Moon Lake (日月潭)/Shilin Official Residence (士林官邸) - Taiwan (台湾) 2011 (Part 7)

Last year, I made my first visit to Taiwan, R.O.C. I was very busy after I got back and never got a chance to look through them and pick out the photos I'm going to post. I finally took out enough time to finish, so... Here they are! I did not take many photo there as the tropical weather made me very sick. I will be splitting them into a total of 8 parts. I hope you enjoy viewing them!


Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best Taiwan photos, use this link. To see all of my Taiwan photos from this trip, use this link.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

Today I have the rest of the photos from Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) and will begin my photos from Shilin Official Residence (士林官邸).

A Buddhist temple at Sun Moon Lake. 

The streets of the village near Sun Moon Lake. A lot of souvenir stores because it is a tourist attraction. 

The RichForest is the hotel I stayed in. The hotel is widely know for the Chinese Rosewood. Most of the furniture in the hotel and rooms are made from the Rosewood.  

Another photo of the hotel.  

Photos of the souvenir and food stores.

I think it was every weekend, the locals will dance and perform. Even though there is only a few true locals remaining, they try to keep their tribe's heritage going. In the photos above, they've also invited tourists to go dance with them. The people in the costumes are the locals. 

Another photo of the locals performing.  

The hotel provided free breakfast. The restaurant was right on the lake! 

Pet pig! Not sure if they are going to kill it for food later on... I thought it was cute, so I took a photo.  

There was a gondola ride near Sun Moon Lake too. It led to an amusement park and a few other attractions. The ride is free. 

Maple Story claw machine. :D LOL I thought it was cute. I got an Orange Mushroom and a Blue Snail.  

Another shot of the gondola ride.  

 More shows teaching people about the local's tribal ways. 

Not everyone needed to take the gondola. They also had a hiking trail. Here is a photo of the flash rain (I think. the rain didn't really show up on photo.)... I hid out in of the snack stores.  

Photo of Sun Moon Lake. 

So much fog! 

 Now I leave Sun Moon Lake and go back to Taipei. this begins my photos at the Shilin Official Residence (士林官邸).

A lot of lily pads in the residence. 

A close up of the lily pad plant. The seeds are edible. 

Photo of the lily pad flower. 

This is all the photos for today. The next post on Taiwan will also be the last. :( In the next post, there will be the rest of the photos from Shilin Official Residence (士林官邸) and the photos from the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (中正纪念堂).

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