Tuesday, April 1, 2014

National Geographic Your Shot Photo Walk - San Francisco, CA (3/30/2014)

This past Sunday (3/30/2014), National Geographic's Your Shot Team hosted a photo walk out at The Warming Hut (Torpedo Wharf) in San Francisco, CA. I am here to show you the photos I shot while on the photo walk. I also headed to Fort Point after the photo walk and shot some photos there too. The photos will be split into several parts. I hope you enjoy viewing them.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing.
Parts: National Geographic Your Shot Photo Walk | Presidio & Fort Point (Part 1)Fort Point (Part 2) | 

The photos for today are just from the photo walk. The photos from Presidio and Fort Point will come in later posts. I also want to take this time to thank National Geographic's Your Shot team for hosting this wonderful photo walk. Please come do another one in the SF Bay Area soon! I had a really great time talking to you guys and taking photos. Also, thank you very much for the free breakfast and goodies. #YourShotMeetUp just like you guys told me.

Message from the Photographer: I will continue with my photos from China after this series because this was quite a popular event and it took place recently. I hope you guys don't mind. Enjoy the photos.

When I arrived at the meet up, the group split into 3 groups. I decided to join the group that was looking at microscopic marine wildlife. When I arrived, the National Geographic photographer just fished up some seaweed from the ocean bottom and put it in a glass jar for us to photograph. The photo walk started a bit after sunrise. This photo was shot on Torpedo Wharf. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 48 34 N 122 28 11 W 

Here is another photo with the morning sunlight shining through. 

Here is the National Geographic photographer. He moved the seaweed into a plastic bag to transport it back to the picnic tables for a closer look.

One of the event attendees talking to the photographer. 

Another photo of them 2 talking. 

The Golden Gate Bridge is behind the photographer.

A photo of the attendees heading back to the picnic tables near The Warming Hut from Torpedo Wharf.
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 48 32 N 122 28 13 W 

A photo of an attendee looking at the specimens. 
Approximate GPS location (type into Google) according to the Canon GP-E2 GPS Receiver: 37 48 30 N 122 28 14 W 

The National Geographic photographer setting up macro equipment for shooting the microscopic organisms in the seaweed. 

Dumping out the seaweed specimen into plastic trays.

Separating out some of the smaller things in the water into another tray. 

Now the photographer is looking for tiny organisms in the water. 

Here are 2 photos of the things in the water. 

Here is a photo of the other tray with the seaweed.

Setting up the macro equipment. 

Macro equipment all set up. The specimens are in a glass Petri dish. 

After the photography part, the National Geographic crew and The Warming Hut prepared us breakfast. It was very delicious! :) Thank you so much National Geographic for the wonderful photo walk. I had a very good time. 

Here is a photo shot back home. National Geographic also gave the attendees some free goodies. I got 2 pins, a t-shirt, and a reusable grocery bag. Thank you so much guys! Love the designs! 

These are all the photos for today. Next time I will continue with photos from Presidio and Fort Point. Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

Parts: National Geographic Your Shot Photo Walk | Presidio & Fort Point (Part 1) | Fort Point (Part 2) |