Friday, May 6, 2016

Peach Blossoms - Spring in Pleasanton (February 2016)

Back in February 12th and February 16th, I went out and took some springtime photos around Pleasanton, CA. I took photos spring flower blossoms, mushrooms, clouds, and wildlife. Some of the photos are from Pleasanton Tennis & Community Park. You maybe wondering why I am posting these photos so late. If you have been following me here or on social media, you would know my old computer broke down (so no photo processing), I had to set up a new computer, and I had to deal with some health issues. All the things going on in my life delayed my work by a very long time. I still hope you enjoy viewing these photos though. The photos from my photo shoots will be split into a few separate blog posts.

Full Resolution Photos: If you want to see full resolution photos of any of the photos you see here, use the following links. If you wish to purchase prints of any of the photos, please contact me here. To view my best Pleasanton, CA photos for 2016, use this link. To see my best flower photos for 2016, use this link. To see all of my 2016 Pleasanton, CA photos, use this link.

Parts: Callery Pear Blossoms | Cherry Blossoms & Wildlife | Mushroom & Clouds | Peach Blossoms | 

The photos for today are of peach blossoms from random parts of Pleasanton, CA. All of the photos for today were taken on February 12th.

I felt the flowers look great contrasted against the blue sky.  

I took a photo of the flowers with the street in the background. I thought this gave it a nice city look.  

Black and white process of the photo above.  

The trees were filled with flower blossoms.  

Black and white process of the photo above.  

I decided to single a few out and get an even closer photo of the blossoms.  

 Black and white process of the photo above.

 Black and white process of the photo above.

Black and white process of the photo above.  

Black and white process of the photo above. 

This is all the photos for today! I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.