Thursday, March 3, 2022

Round Valley Regional Preserve & Los Vaqueros Reservoir (Cellphone Photos)

Yesterday, on 2 March 2022, my mom and I took a walk and hike in Round Valley Regional Preserve in Brentwood, CA and Los Vaqueros Reservoir in Contra Costa County, CA. I took 4 photos with my cellphone while I was there. I hope you enjoy viewing my photos! Surprising story at the end, so make sure you keep reading until the very last photo.

A scenery photo from Miwok Trail in Round Valley Regional Preserve in Brentwood, CA.

A scenery photo from Miwok Trail in Round Valley Regional Preserve in Brentwood, CA. In the distance is Los Vaqueros Reservoir.

A scenery photo from Adobe Trail in Los Vaqueros Reservoir in Contra Costa County, CA.

A scenery photo from Adobe Trail in Los Vaqueros Reservoir in Contra Costa County, CA. The photo was shot near the intersection of Adobe Trail and Oak Savannah Trail. In the photo are cows and Los Vaqueros Reservoir (in the distance).

You are probably wondering where is the surprising story? See those cows in the last photo I took? My mom and I were quite some distance away from them, and we've been hiking for many years now. We are usually very careful around cows, keeping our distance, checking for calves, and talking and making noise so they know we are there. We usually wait a while for them to clear the trail, and if they don't, we'll keep our distance by walking around them. We are always on guard because we're scared the cows might charge at us. We didn't do anything to aggravate the cows, we waited for them to clear the trail, but they made us U-turn on Adobe Trail by aggressively chasing us for around a third of a mile. The entire herd of cows closed in on us from 3 sides and began chasing us. They were clearly not happy people were there. Out of the years we've hiked, this was the first time we've been aggressively attacked by a herd of cows.

This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.