Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Sycamore Grove Park - Livermore, CA (Cellphone Photos)

Today, on the 17th December 2024, my mom and I went for on a walk in Sycamore Grove Park in Livermore, CA. There is still some autumn foliage present despite it being December! I hope you enjoy viewing my photos!

Message from the Photographer: I am still dealing with long COVID, but my doctors and I have found multiple medications that seems to partially and temporarily suppress the symptoms. I am walking a fine line between side effects from the pills and the long COVID symptoms. This was the most exercise I have gotten in months, and I suspect I will be paying for it the next few days. The COVID infection in November 2023 triggered chronic fatigue syndrome and mast cell activation in me. I am working on the RAW photos from my camera, but it has been slow. None of the medications are touching the brain fog.

A scenery photo of autumn foliage shot on Magpie Nature Loop.

A scenery photo of autumn foliage shot on Magpie Nature Loop.

A scenery photo of autumn foliage, cows, farm, mountains, and clouds. The photo was shot on Winery Trail.

A scenery photo of autumn foliage, cows, farm, and clouds. The photo was shot on Winery Loop.

A photo of the abandoned Olivina winery building shot on Winery Loop.

A photo of high voltage powerlines, trees, and autumn foliage. The photo was shot on Winery Loop.

This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Instagram. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.