Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wilder Ranch State Park in Santa Cruz, CA

Today I have photos I have taken at Wilder Ranch State Park located in Santa Cruz, CA. In my opinion, if you are heading to Santa Cruz, it is definitely a place to visit especially if you are on a tight schedule as the park is fairly small and you can view almost everything in probably 30 minutes (unless you slowpoke like taking your time with your photos). The ranch itself used to be a dairy ranch, but has long been donated to the state. Some of the historic buildings are restored, and is now a museum. The area is nice and scenic. There are some sheep, a large pumpkin field, and some really old Victorian Era style houses.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see all of the photos from this trip here.

Message From the Photographer: I have started processing my Death Valley National Park photos but be aware this will take a very long time to do due to the huge amount of photos.

Only HDR I did at the park. This is of the pumpkin field and the sun is behind a cloud. Lucky for me huh? It would have lens flared really bad with out the cloud cover. ^_^

Buildings at the ranch 

 I'm guessing this is the barn.

Inside one of the barns. There are 2 cats in this photo, can you spot them? 1 of them is really obvious, the other one, not very obvious.  

The not so obvious cat in the above photo. It was on the brown horse drawn carriage on the right.   

 The cat on the left decided to climb up onto the white horse drawn carriage. 

More of the ranch.  

John Deere tractor in the park.  

 Chickens! I think they are just raised there to make the area look more "alive". 

Sheep in the park. 

It came closer. Yay! :D 

Several more horse drawn carriage. 

This is all the photos I took at Wilder Ranch State Park. I hope you have enjoyed these. Please don't forget to share my blog posts with your friends! If you would like to get notifications next time I post, you can "Like" me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.