Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mosquito Hawk

Now let's get started with the blog post for today! The photos for today are of a mosquito hawk I saw on my window. These photos were taken one day before my Lake Tahoe/Reno trip last year (photos here). I am still trying to catch up a bit on my photos since my Death Valley National Park photos (photos here) took quite a while to post. Anyways, lucky for me, the mosquito hawk was on the other side of the window and was staying there without moving much. Really lucky because I had time to set up my camera for macro to take some photos. All of the photos for today were taken with my Canon EOS 7D with a Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens and Kenko Extension Tubes. Artificial lighting was provided by my handy Canon Speedlite 600EX-RT with a cheap soft box. If you want to view the photos bigger, just click on them.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best macro photography shots of 2012, use this link. To see more insect photos, use this link. To see all of my at home and backyard photography shots of 2012, use this link.

Focusing in on the details of the head. 

 Focusing in on the details of the wing.

A few more head shots. Notice the details on the eyes? Cool right?

These are all the photos for today! I hope you have enjoyed viewing them. Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.