Monday, December 5, 2011

Critters of Fremont Central Park (Part 1)

This will be a short chain of posts, only 2 parts. I have around 18 photos of little critters around Fremont Central Park. Fremont Central Park is a small park located in Fremont, part of the SF Bay Area. These posts will include birds, snakes, and ducks. I will not be including any squirrel pictures in here because I already did that in my previous post. :) These photos were taken back in March. Long time back. As I said before I got busy with moving and stuff, that's why I'm posting them now. Hope you enjoy viewing them!

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best bird photos from 2011, use this link. To see my best Central Park photos of 2011, use this link. To see all of my Central Park photos of 2011, use this link.

Part: 1 | 2

Alright, today's post will mainly be ducks and geese with a photo of turtles.

A group of turtles sun bathing. 

Found another one not far from that group.

Mallard Ducks. One female, one male. Guess they are they are resting

Close up of the female.

Lot's of white ones at Central Park too!

Another photo. :)

The black ones are American Coots.

So do you like the photos? I know these photos look a bit crappy, I actually look it on my phone. LOL I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos!

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