Friday, December 2, 2011

Sunset - King Tide at Half Moon Bay (Part 5)

Several times a year, Half Moon Bay in California has it's mega low tide day. During the mega low tide, the ocean will retreats for a few miles, and land that is usually 5-10 feet under water becomes exposed. On 11-27-2011, it was one of the days. In following days, I will be showing you photos I've taken. Please come back and look!

Part: Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

Today I will mainly be focusing on landscapes. And as a special treat, a preview of some of the sunset photos I will be showing tomorrow. :) I hope you enjoy viewing these shots! Please leave comments! Also please don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook! I added a button to the top of the right-hand sidebar. That way I can notify you whenever more photos are posted. Thanks!

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best photos from this event, use this link. To see all of the photos from this event, use this link. To see my best sunset and night photography shots, use this link.

I decided to post the sunset preview first. Tomorrow I got like 8 more sunset photos. :) So for this picture, just the right amount of orange and blue right?

I hope you enjoy viewing these shots. The land I was standing on is usually underwater, an angle like this is very rare!

Photography Tip: For my sunset photos I post today, I shot them in RAW mode. The key to a good sunset photo is all in the exposure. Low exposure is key to sunsets, but usually when you do sunsets, capturing the moment is the key too, so you don't have much time to mess with the exposure settings to get it "right". Taking the photos in RAW keeps the exposure settings unlocked, this way you can adjust it to a setting you like later on a computer. By shooting in RAW you will always have a good looking sunset. :) The same applies for sunrises.

A photo of kelp. Did not turn out as good as I though.

Was testing out how macro works on my new EOS 7D. Not bad right? LOL

Another landscape shot. See all that kelp? See the rocks in the far back? That is usually underwater, but it was all exposed during the low tide. If Half Moon Bay ever have a low tide like this again, I would recommend you go. They are pretty rare! Only a few times a year.

So many people right? LOL So much kelp too.

More landscape shots.

This island rock thingy. I'm guessing the rock is usually underwater considering how there is kelp growing on there.

Those are mussels on the ground! Lot's of them. And like I said before, they are edible. XD I think I know why I saw so many star fishes there. They got enough food. ROFL

A landscape shot taken after sunset. See the red at the horizon? Beautiful.

I hope you enjoyed viewing today's post! Tomorrow will be the last post on Half Moon Bay, and it will be all sunsets! I hope this has been an experience for all of you as it was to me. Thanks for your time, please share with your friends! Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook!

Part: Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |