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Today is the last post for my photos from Half Moon Bay. I have posted all of the good photos I took there. Today's post, like I said before, will be sunsets. Beautiful sunset photos. :) Please enjoy!
Photography Tip: Like I said in yesterday's post, the key to a great sunset photo has to do with exposure. It is good to take your sunset photos in RAW, because you will usually not have time to mess with the exposure at the time of the shot. Taking the photo in RAW allows you to adjust exposure and a lot of other things later.
Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best photos from this event, use this link. To see all of the photos from this event, use this link. To see my best sunset and night photography shots, use this link.
I know this might sound a big ironic, but I accidentally took this photo in JPEG only, apparently it turned out better than I thought. XD Probably the best sunset I've got! HAHA The rest of the photos was shot in RAW and then converted to JPEG after some minor adjustments in Photoshop.
What did I tell you? Beautiful isn't it? I saved the best for last! ^_^ I hope you have enjoyed it! This is the last photos of my Half Moon Bay trip. Next time I will either be doing fall leaves or animal photos. Please check back! Also please don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook. You can also find the "Like" button on the top of the right side bar.
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