Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Monochrome Processes Redone (Death Valley National Park)

Today I have some monochrome (black and white) processes of photos I've taken on my past trip to Death Valley National Park in 2012. I hope you enjoy viewing the photos. If you wish to view my original Death Valley National Park blog posts, you can start from part 1 here. If you enjoy monochrome and abstract photos, you can view more at my gallery here. You can also view my best photos from Death Valley National Park here. Gallery format for all of my Death Valley National Park photos available here.

Up first is a photo taken of the road leading into Death Valley National Park from Lone Pine, CA. Photo is shot facing the Eastern Sierras.  

Another photo taken toward the Eastern Sierras. A wild horse is in the image.  

 Here are 2 photos from the Cerro Gordo ruins in Death Valley National Park. 

A photo of the Rhyolite Mercantile in Rhyolite Ghost Town in Rhyolite, NV.  

Here are 2 photos of an abandoned gas station in Rhyolite Ghost Town.  

 Another photo of Rhyolite Ghost Town.

A photo of a coyote near Furnace Creek in Death Valley National Park. I think it was out there hoping people would throw it some food.  

A photo from Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley National Park. 

A photo shot high up at Dante's View in Death Valley National Park. The last segment of the road up there was a very scary drive! The road was steep!  

 A photo of the moon rise. Photo shot on Artist Drive in Death Valley National Park. 

 A photo of a sign warning drivers about a dip on Artist Drive in Death Valley National Park. 

A photo from Furnace Creek in Death Valley National Park.  

Now a few photos of the rock wall in Mosaic Canyon.  

 A few more photos of the rock in Mosaic Canyon. 

Another photo of the rock in Mosaic Canyon.  

Now a few shots on the Mojave Desert on the drive back home to the SF Bay Area from Death Valley National Park. This is a photo of the moon rise. 

The highways through the Mojave Desert. Photo shot as the moon was rising.  

A photo shot of the long highways through the Mojave Desert. That shadow is me. 

These are all the photos for today. Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.