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Message from the Photographer: So I have shown you all my San Francisco Chinese New Year parade photos. This means I will continue on with Death Valley National Park. I hope you enjoy viewing the photos. :)
Today, I have photos from Harmony Borax Works and Mustard Canyon. In history, this is where people mined borax and made them into products for the general public. It was a very booming business back then, but now it is just preserved ruins for everyone to see in Death Valley National Park. I hope you enjoy.
Far off in the distance is Mustard Canyon. I think it was given the name due to the yellow color.
Harmony Borax Works. This is the ruins of the processing plant and horse drawn carriage.
Here is a sign talking about borax being "White Gold".
The view of the desert from Harmony Borax Works. Looks like there used to be a stream of water there. There are many water features like this in Death Valley National Park. Dry waterfalls, streams, and dried lake beds are commonly seen throughout the whole park. From the looks, Death Valley National Park used to be a giant lake, but due to changing climates, it is now desert.
The mule drawn carts.
Sign talking about the Twenty Mule Teams.
Ruins of the processing plant.
Panorama with Mustard Canyon off in the distance.
Panorama with processing plant at the left and Mustard Canyon at the right.
Another view of the desert.
Ruins of the processing plant.
Now I begin the drive on the dirt road into Mustard Canyon. The silver thing you see on the bottom was the mirror on my car.
Death Valley Travel Tip: If you do want to visit Mustard Canyon in Death Valley National Park, 4-wheel drive is recommended. The dirt road was okay, but there were a few steep parts. Also, high clearance Jeeps are available for rent at Furnace Creek. If you want to go to the Racetrack, or some other high clearance roads, you would definitely need one of those. Here at Mustard Canyon, the road conditions are okay, so it is only 4-wheel drive recommended (they tell you on the map).
View of the desert and partially of the dirt road on the right.
Inside Mustard Canyon on the dirt road.
Another shot of Mustard Canyon. Not sure how this almost the same image got caught in the photos I was going to upload. Usually catch things like this on my 2nd look through. Anyways, here is another shot for you guys.
HDR of Mustard Canyon
This is all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing them. Next time, I will have photos from the Furnace Creek Visitor Center and Museum! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.
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