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Today I will have a few photos from my drive down from Dante's View and photos from Twenty Mule Team Canyon. If you want an introduction and tips for Dante's View, please read about it on my previous post. Today I want to tell you about Twenty Mule Team Canyon. Before, when the mine was active, the borax was mined in Twenty Mule Team Canyon and was then processed at Harmony Borax Works (photos here). To view the canyon down below in detail, there is a one way unpaved road that you have to drive on (4WD Recommended). The road was fairly flat with the exception there was 1 down incline that you have to drive on. It is about 100 feet long and a 60° incline (not as scary as it sounds actually). The view was spectacular through the canyon! Also, there are signs that tell you not to go off the road (hiking included), but I've seen photos online where people actually went into the mine, but do know it is illegal and dangerous not to mention you can get lost easily... Anyways here are the photos I took, will be splitting them into 2 parts so I will finish next time.
Driving down from Dante's View.
Entering Twenty Mule Team Canyon.
Car ahead of me kicked up a lot of dust.
These are the unpaved roads in Twenty Mule Team Canyon. It is pretty easy to drive on but still recommend 4WD car.
More landscapes
Unpaved road.
Another shot of the unpaved road.
Panorama in the canyon.
These are all the photos for today! I hope you have enjoyed viewing them. Next time I will continue with the photos from Twenty Mule Team Canyon and some photos from the beginning of the road into Hole in the Wall. I didn't head into Hole in the Wall because the road was too bumpy for my car and I was afraid I was going to get a flat tire. Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.
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