Friday, March 15, 2013

Billie Mine/Dante's View - Death Valley National Park (Part 28)

At the end of November last year (2012), I took a trip to Death Valley National Park. This is the second trip there in my life. The 1st time I went, I was still a little kid, and I didn't start taking photos yet. This time, I have a pro camera and I am ready to shoot the scenery. Death Valley National Park is known for its "out of this world" scenery, UFO sightings, and many other things. The desert is a very mysterious and beautiful place. In this chain of blog posts, I will be showing you mainly photos of Death Valley National Park, but also photos from surrounding areas like The Mojave Desert, Alabama Hills, and Rhyolite Ghost Town. I have picked out over 400 photos from my trip to show you guys and I will be dividing them into many blog posts. Unlike blog  post chains before, I obviously can't put a link of ever blog post on every single blog post, so instead, I will do the same thing I did for my Yellowstone National Park photos before, by sticking a link of the Next and Previous post on each blog post instead.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best work from Death Valley National Park, use this link. To see all of the photos from my Death Valley National Park trip use this link.

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So continuing my previous post, I have more photos from my drive up to Dante's View (including a few photos from the Billie Mine) and photos from Dante's View itself. If you didn't read my intro from my previous post, here it is again. If you visit Death Valley National Park, you should definitely go see Dante's View. Just make sure you have a good enough car that can drive up there! The road is paved, but when I got to near the peak, I was driving on a 60°-70° incline! It scared the shit out of me partially because I am a beginner driver (my dad insisted) and partially because it was high up and I got a really bad fear of heights. The road itself was actually not that narrow but I borrowed the other lane (opposite moving traffic) anyways. Just make sure no cars are coming down before you do that. It isn't too scary. The incline portion is only like 2000 feet and you arrive at the parking lot immediately after you get over that. The funny thing is that when you are coming down and you get down the incline, there is a turnout and a Porta Potty. XD How convenient. LOL Anyways, let's get to the photos for today.

Ruins of the Billie Mine on the drive up to Dante's View.

Machinery at Billie Mine. 

A photo from my drive up to Dante's View.

A sign at Dante's View

Landscape shot of Dante's View

Panorama at Dante's View

Dante's View from a different angle. 

These are all the photos for today! I hope you have enjoyed viewing them. Next time I will have a few photos from my drive down from Dante's View and photos from Twenty Mule Team Canyon. Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

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