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Today I continue with the photos from Artist Drive and Artists Palette. Today, I also have a day time shot of where I saw the potential UFO. I actually did not notice I shot a photo in the same place until I got home and started looking through my photos. How weird is that! Pretty much as I saw the photo, I was like, this photo looks similar to something I saw before. So after some comparison of the photo I shot the night before, I knew it was the same place. If you missed the blog post where I talked about my possible UFO sighting, you can view it here. Also, here is my intro to Artists Palette again for those of you who missed it. Artists Palette is famous for its colorful rocks caused by chemical reactions of the mineral rich soil. Definitely visit the area as the scenery is very beautiful and you don't really have to hike a lot. To get there, you take Artist Drive, which is a one way paved road. For the next few days, I will be showing you photos from Artist Drive (road leading to Artists Palette) and from Artists Palette itself.
Artist Drive. One-way road through Artists Palette.
There are 2 dips like these on the road. Note that my camera is leveled. Pretty much you have to drive down and then up. It was actually pretty fun to drive on.
A sign alerting you of the dip.
2 cars driving through the dip.
A closer shot of the dip.
HDR composition of the side of the dip. If you are wondering why there are two dips in the road, it seems that before Death Valley became a desert, the area had 2 rivers or small streams.
Here is the view from the other side of the dip. From this photo, you can see clearly that a small river or stream used to run through the area.
Another photo of the dry river or stream.
This was the exact spot where I saw the potential UFO the night before. If you missed the blog post where I talked about my possible UFO sighting, you can view it here.
The colorful rocks of Artists Palette.
Panorama of the colorful rocks at Artists Palette.
These are all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing them! Next time, I will post the last of the photos from Artists Palette and Artist Drive. Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.
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