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After my night at Death Valley Junction at the Amargosa Hotel (read my previous post on why I don't recommend staying there), I went ahead and drove back to Death Valley National Park to go see Dante's View. The photos for today is from my drive up there. If you visit Death Valley National Park, you should definitely go see Dante's View. Just make sure you have a good enough car that can drive up there! The road is paved, but when I got to near the peak, I was driving on a 60°-70° incline! It scared the shit out of me partially because I am a beginner driver (my dad insisted) and partially because it was high up and I got a really bad fear of heights. The road itself was actually not that narrow but I borrowed the other lane (opposite moving traffic) anyways. Just make sure no cars are coming down before you do that. It isn't too scary. The incline portion is only like 2000 feet and you arrive at the parking lot immediately after you get over that. The funny thing is that when you are coming down and you get down the incline, there is a turnout and a Porta Potty. XD How convenient. LOOL Anyways, let's get to the photos for today.
Panorama of Death Valley National Park
Hills off in the distance on the right of the panorama above.
The straight roads in the park.
The Death Valley National Park sign.
These are all the photos for today! I hope you have enjoyed viewing them. Next time I have more photos from my drive up to Dante's View and photos from Dante's View itself! Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.
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