Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Blue Angels Fleet Week 2012 in San Francisco (Part 2)

I went to Fleet Week 2012 to witness the Blue Angels on 10-6-2012. Here are some of the photos I took at the event. I will be splitting them into several posts. :) Also, I do not have a lot of understanding with the airplanes which means I have no clue what the names for the airplanes are. If you know, I would really appreciate it if you help me out in the comment box below. :) If you want to get a notification when I do a new post, you can "Like" me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar. I will notify you via all those pages when I do a new post.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To view my best Blue Angels photos, use this link. To view all of the event photos from 2012, use this link.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Message from the Photographer: Here are more photos from the event! Again, if you can help me with the names of the planes, that would be greatly appreciated. Just leave a comment for me below. I would love for you to help me in the comments instead of me Googling. Apparently a search on Google Images for "Blue Angels" produces photos of airplanes, but a search for "Blue Angel" produces results filled with lets just say "inappropriate stuff". The mistake I should have never made... So I probably will not be doing any more Googling on this event. LOL Also, I have decided I will speed up the rate of these photos because a lot of you are waiting, and I also want to get those Yosemite photos out on here.

Not sure what plane this is. 

A ship that says AmNav on it. Looks like a tourist boat.  

Same plane as the first one. Not sure what it is.  

Text behind was part of the Geico ad. See the ad they were sky writing in my first blog post.  

Same plane as above. Not sure what it is. 

A fan of mine on my personal G+ page told me this is a F-22 Raptor.  

 F-22 Raptor

F-22 Raptor 

F-22 Raptor on the left. Not sure what planes the other 2 are. 

F-22 Raptor on the top. Not sure what planes the other 2 are.  

 F-22 Raptor on the right. Not sure what planes the other 2 are.

F-22 Raptor on the right. Not sure what planes the other 2 are. I thought the lens flare looked great on the shot. Accidents in photography are usually bad, but sometimes the accidents can give your photos a great effect. Rules are meant to be broken. :)

Not sure what planes these are but their maneuvers were great!  

 Flying downwards.

This is all the photos for this post! More coming up tomorrow if I'm up for it! :) Again, help me out with the names if you can. LOL Please don't forget to share my blog posts with your friends! If you would like to get notifications next time I post, you can "Like" me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

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