Sunday, February 17, 2013

Scotty's Castle - Death Valley National Park (Part 10)

At the end of November last year (2012), I took a trip to Death Valley National Park. This is the second trip there in my life. The 1st time I went, I was still a little kid, and I didn't start taking photos yet. This time, I have a pro camera and I am ready to shoot the scenery. Death Valley National Park is known for its "out of this world" scenery, UFO sightings, and many other things. The desert is a very mysterious and beautiful place. In this chain of blog posts, I will be showing you mainly photos of Death Valley National Park, but also photos from surrounding areas like The Mojave Desert, Alabama Hills, and Rhyolite Ghost Town. I have picked out over 400 photos from my trip to show you guys and I will be dividing them into many blog posts. Unlike blog  post chains before, I obviously can't put a link of ever blog post on every single blog post, so instead, I will do the same thing I did for my Yellowstone National Park photos before, by sticking a link of the Next and Previous post on each blog post instead.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best work from Death Valley National Park, use this link. To see all of the photos from my Death Valley National Park trip use this link.

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Today I will continue with the photos on the Scotty's Castle Tour. For this blog post, I have 9 photos to compensate for the 11 photos I posted last time. So after the photos from the main part of the house before this blog post, the tour guide took us outside on a walkway to go to the guest house in Scotty's Castle. The rest of the photos from Scotty's Castle are from the guest house. Also, as said in my other posts, I used my Canon Speedlite 600EX-RT on every shot I took inside because the lighting is horrible. You may see some hot spots on some of the photos when I didn't aim the flash correctly. Also, if you want to find out more about Scotty's Castle, you can read about it on Wikipedia. I will try my best to tell you a little bit about the castle, but I'll be honest here, I didn't pay much attention to what the tour guide was saying and mainly focused on not messing up my photos. XD I can't tell you too much.

The sun was setting when the tour guide took us outside to go to the guest house. The sun cast a really beautiful red glow on the whole landscape. I didn't touch up the photo except add a little bit of light in the dark areas to balance out the lighting a bit. The scene was really this beautiful. 

Another photo of sunset over Scotty's Castle. I guess this is one of the benefits on being in the last tour of the day. :)

I think out of the 3, this one is the best!

Now we enter the other side of the house, the guest house. 

Sure is one big guest house! 

The bathroom even had running water and toilets! A very big luxury back then.

These are all the photos for today! I have 10 more photos from Scotty's Castle so there will only be 1 more blog post on Scotty's Castle. After Scotty's Castle, I will continue on with photos from Rhyolite Ghost Town in Rhyolite, NV. The ghost town is part of National Park Services but it is located right outside of Death Valley National Park near Beatty, NV. Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

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