Monday, February 4, 2013

Lake Tahoe/Reno 2012 (Part 11)

If you live in the SF Bay Area, you probably know it never snows here. Many people like me who live in the SF Bay Area love snow. The nearest place that does get snow is in Lake Tahoe and Reno. Many of us go there in the winter to go ski and snowboard, but for me, I don't like any of that. I enjoy taking photos of snow and playing in it. :) Here are photos of Lake Tahoe and Reno I took during my trip in Christmas of 2012. I will be splitting them into several parts as I took a lot of photos there. Hope you enjoy.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best Lake Tahoe/Reno/Donner Lake photos from 2012, use this link. To see all of my photos from this trip, use this link.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 

Okay, now let's get started with today's photos. :) The photos for today are from the 4th and last day of my trip. These photos will be divided into 2 blog posts with this one being the 2nd one. You can find the 1st one (the 10th post) here. I don't have the exact location of my images, but I can tell you the route I took. So I started off in Reno, NV driving over to Truckee. Then I took SR-89 to Lake Tahoe. Then I went east toward Incline Village traveling around the bigger half of Lake Tahoe. Afterwards I headed back home toward SF Bay Area via US Route 50. Also, if you are wondering why I am posting today instead of following my regular pattern of a blog post every other day, it is because I want to get my Reno/Lake Tahoe photos over with so I can start and showing you guys photos from my trip to Death Valley National Park! :) The other reason is I am a bit busy this week, so I don't know if I can keep my regular pattern of blog posts. So I will do one today and try to do one on Wednesday if  possible.

Here is a long exposure on the shore of Lake Tahoe at the snow covered beach. 

Another shot of the snow covered shore. 

A person removing snow.

HDR composition of the shoreline. The colors make it look animated doesn't it?

Spotted a pine cone in the snow. Thought it makes a great composition. I just wish there was enough light for me to stop down my aperture far enough so the bottom of the hole would not be blurry. I couldn't because I was hand holding and it was in shade. 

Photography Tip: Your len's aperture can be controlled in Aperture Priority (Av or A), Manual (M), or Bulb (B) modes. The f-stop number is your aperture and is generally represented by f/## with "##" being the number. The rule for aperture is the wider the aperture, the shallower the depth-of-field and the less depth you can get in focus. The narrower the aperture, the deeper the depth-of-field and the more depth you can get in focus. Here is the funny thing about aperture. The smaller the number, the wider your aperture. The bigger the number, the narrower your aperture. Try it out! If you still don't get depth of field, check out my great tutorial video here

HDR composition of a creek running into Lake Tahoe.

Here is an HDR composition of the creek facing the other side. 

Here is another shot of the shore line. 

Close up photo of a tree's bark. I focus stacked this to achieve greater depth-of-field.

On my way home, another shot of Lake Tahoe. 

Lake Tahoe

Snow covered tree near Lake Tahoe as the sun was setting. 

I decided to do a night time long exposure of a tree on US Route 50 on the way home. Here are some snow covered trees on the side of the road at night. 

This is all the photos I have for today! I hope you have enjoyed them! Next time, I will begin my Death Valley National Park photos! :) Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

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