Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rhyolite Ghost Town - Death Valley National Park (Part 13)

At the end of November last year (2012), I took a trip to Death Valley National Park. This is the second trip there in my life. The 1st time I went, I was still a little kid, and I didn't start taking photos yet. This time, I have a pro camera and I am ready to shoot the scenery. Death Valley National Park is known for its "out of this world" scenery, UFO sightings, and many other things. The desert is a very mysterious and beautiful place. In this chain of blog posts, I will be showing you mainly photos of Death Valley National Park, but also photos from surrounding areas like The Mojave Desert, Alabama Hills, and Rhyolite Ghost Town. I have picked out over 400 photos from my trip to show you guys and I will be dividing them into many blog posts. Unlike blog  post chains before, I obviously can't put a link of ever blog post on every single blog post, so instead, I will do the same thing I did for my Yellowstone National Park photos before, by sticking a link of the Next and Previous post on each blog post instead.

Full Resolution Photos and Prints: If you want to see full resolution photos or buy prints of any of the photos you see, they are up on my portfolio for viewing. To see my best work from Death Valley National Park, use this link. To see all of the photos from my Death Valley National Park trip use this link.

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Message from the Photographer: So according to the weather report there is a 20% chance of rain on Saturday in San Francisco, CA. I just hope it doesn't because I really want to take photos from the parade! :) If it doesn't rain, I will most likely go and will show you guys the photos as soon as I can finish processing them. Even if it means I have to hold off on the Death Valley National Park photos. The other reason I kind of want to go is I want to test my Canon GP-E2 GPS to the max. No better place to test accuracy of a GPS than a big city with lots of tall buildings. :P This is pretty much all I want to tell you, so lets move on with the photos.

I will continue with the photos from Rhyolite Ghost Town in Rhyolite, NV for today. The photos will include some HDR compositions, some normal photos, and a panorama. The ghost town itself is not in Death Valley National Park, but falls right outside its boundaries. If you do visit Death Valley National Park, Rhyolite Ghost Town is a must see! If you are into star trails, this is definitely a great place to do one! I even did one myself and it turned out great. :) I will show you the star trails I did soon in a future blog post. Also, if you want to learn how to do star trail photography, I have written up a nice tutorial here. As with all ghost towns, this used to be a very populated area, but as time passed, the place is now deserted. If you want to learn more about Rhyolite, NV, you can read more about it on Wikipedia.

Here is an HDR shot of the Rhyolite Ghost Casino. Not sure why they fence off the buildings and mark them as dangerous and contaminated... Not sure how it can be dangerous and contaminated, but I can see why they would want to fence it off... I can see how people walking on the old building could possibly destroy and degrade them, but can't see how it can be dangerous and contaminated. 

HDR compositions of the remains of a house. Not sure what the name of it is.

Another photo of the house. 

Here is a photo of the abandoned gas station. 

Abandoned gas station from another angle.

Photo of the hills off in the distance. 

Rhyolite Ghost Casino on the right. 


Cook Bank Building. This is the building I did my star trails time lapse at. That photo will be posted later on.

Another shot of the Cook Bank Building.

Panorama of Rhyolite Ghost Town.

These are all the photos for today! I hope you have enjoyed them. :) Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.

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