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Message from the Photographer: I have quite a busy week coming up. I have quite a lot of school stuff to review for, and also a hiking trip this weekend. :) If I don't post, this is probably why. Anyways, let's being the photos for today.
Today I will continue with the photos on the Scotty's Castle Tour. As said in my other posts, I used my Canon Speedlite 600EX-RT on every shot I took inside because the lighting is horrible. You may see some hot spots on some of the photos when I didn't aim the flash correctly. Also, if you want to find out more about Scotty's Castle, you can read about it on Wikipedia. I will try my best to tell you a little bit about the castle, but I'll be honest here, I didn't pay much attention to what the tour guide was saying and mainly focused on not messing up my photos. XD I can't tell you too much.
The Gun Collection
Picture of the owner I think is on the wall. The clothes and closet you see on the left are original historic artifacts.
Here is the tour guide again.
Photos of people that was living in the house.
Another photo
Original paintings
These are all the photos for today. I hope you have enjoyed viewing them! I have 40 photos of Scotty's Castle left and will divide them into 4 blog posts. Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.
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