Saturday, February 16, 2013

My New Canon EOS 5D Mark III

That's right, I will be taking just a little break (for today) from the Death Valley National Park photos. The reason being is because, I don't have any time for a blog post today! I have a hiking trip at Lake Chabot Regional Park in Castro Valley, CA planned with a couple of friends. If your question is how I am writing this one, it is because I actually wrote this blog post yesterday and scheduled it to automatically post today.

Ok, so what is this blog post about? It is all about my new Canon EOS 5D Mark III! That's right, some camera pr0n and no, it is not a name I just made up and I did the spelling like that on purpose. Very popular among photographers, just Google it. Unlike real pr0n, in camera pr0n, we focus on cameras instead. There is no adult content here, unless of course you consider photos of cameras to be adult content. :)

So here is just a small story behind these photos. I recently got a Canon EOS 5D Mark III over Christmas as a gift a friend. Here, I just want to show it off to you guys. :) I hope you enjoy. Photos I take with the camera won't really bit up any time soon since. I have so much photos I took before I got this camera I still have to show you (this includes Death Valley National Park). Anyways, please enjoy.

Here is the box for the camera. Time for a little unboxing.  

 Fully unboxed. :) All the stuff that was in the box.

Overhead view

Back of the camera.

Another comparison. 

Alright, this is all the photos I took for this blog post! I hope you have enjoyed this. :P Please don't forget to share the blog post with your friends and family members! Also, if you want to get notifications when I post up more photos, "Like" us on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Google+. These links can also be found on the top of the right sidebar.